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Searching for Books

All Pierce College Library books can be found through One Search. 

Use the search box to type in the title of a book, the author, or some keywords of the subject you are researching.

  • Title (example): the anthropology of religion, magic, and witchcraft
  • Author (example): Philip Stein
  • Subject or Keywords (example): "social media" bullying

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Dance Books in the Library

Stylin': African American expressive culture from its beginnings to the zoot suit
Caribbean Dance from Abakuá to Zouk: How Movement Shapes Identity
Salsa Crossings: dancing latinidad in Los Angeles
The People Have Never Stopped Dancing: Native American Modern Dance Histories
Dancing Cultures: Globalization, Tourism and Identity in the Anthropology of Dance
A Sense of Shifting: queer artists reshaping dance
choreographing a dance career
Learning about Dance: Dance As an Art Form and Entertainment