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Credo Information Literacy Tutorials: Faculty Guide

Important Credo Update

Pierce updated our Credo LTI in January of 2025. As a result of this update, the way we add Credo materials to Canvas has changed. 

There are now 2 different routes for adding content in Canvas:

If you added Credo content to your courses in the past, these links should continue to work for the time being.

Please add new resources, and update existing resources, following the instructions on this page. 

Adding Graded Content (Quizzes & Tests) to Canvas

Add all graded items (including quizzes) as assignments. Give assignment a name and then click
Find and click on the assignment you just created.
The assignment screen display. Click
In assignment settings page, specify the number of points in the points field. Credo's scoring assigns one point per question so quizzes are 5 and pre and post tests are 20. You may assign a different number of pojnts and the grade will scale (4/5 scales to 8/10). Display the grade as points.
in assignment settings page, click
Scroll through the menu until you see
A menu of Credo resources appears. Scroll to the one you wish to add and select it. Make sure the content you select says [Graded] after its name as you are adding a graded assignment.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the
You are now back in the external tool list. Click the
You are now back in the assignment settings page. If you want the Credo resource to open in a new tab, rather than be embedded within the page, check off the
Your new assignment is now displayed. It will be embedded in the page or shown as a link to open in a new window depending on the setting you selected.
If you have questions, contact Marisa ( or Lauren (

Adding Ungraded Content (Tutorials & Videos) to Canvas

Add item to module and select
Scroll through external tool menu until you see
Select the video or tutorial of your choice from the list. Make sure the content you select shows as [Not Graded] as you are adding an ungraded resource.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the
Edit/update the
You should see the item you added in your Module. Click the publish button when you are ready for students to view it.
If you have questions, contact Marisa ( or Lauren (