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Read the Project 2025 document outlining policy initiatives. It was published by the conservative Heritage Foundation in 2023.
President Trump's second administration and Project 2025
From National Public Radio
How do we move forward as a nation without looking at strangers as potential enemies?
From The Atlantic
Hello, and welcome to this resource guide for what happens after the 2024 presidential election.
The 2024 general election is over, and the results are in. Former President Donald Trump has won the electoral vote and will take office for a second term on January 20th, 2025. If his campaign rhetoric and pledges are to be believed, significant changes will take place from Day One of his administration.
But what can we expect in terms of policy changes affecting large segments of our population? What can we do in the meantime?
Below, you can find a general outline of what policy changes might be expected during the next Trump administration. On the left hand column, see subpages for specific issues and populations that are likely to be affected by those policy changes.
From Politico
"Donald Trump has promised the largest deportation of immigrants in American history, sweeping new tariffs on imports, a freeze on climate-related regulations, a remaking of federal health agencies and ideological changes in the education system.
Now he gets his chance.
And Trump insiders say they believe he’ll be able to move faster than he did in his first term to accomplish those goals.
In his first term, Trump made major policy changes but often complained of bureaucracy getting in the way of his most ambitious aims.
Armed with that experience, he expects officials in his second administration will better understand how to navigate complex agencies and policy processes, making a faster — and more ambitious — agenda possible, according to Trump’s advisers."
From The Associated Press
"Donald Trump has promised sweeping action in a second administration.
The former president and now president-elect often skipped over details but through more than a year of policy pronouncements and written statements outlined a wide-ranging agenda that blends traditional conservative approaches to taxes, regulation and cultural issues with a more populist bent on trade and a shift in America’s international role.
Trump’s agenda also would scale back federal government efforts on civil rights and expand presidential powers."