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Pierce Library invites you to join us in celebrating Women's History Month!
Women's History Month originated as a week-long national observance every year in 1981, following President Jimmy Carter's proclamation of Women's History Week in 1980. In 1987, the National Women’s History Project successfully petitioned to expand Women's History Week to a month-long celebration observed in the U.S. every March.
Women's History Month is a time to uplift and celebrate the often-overlooked contributions of women to U.S. society and culture. Women's history is full of bold trailblazers who worked hard and sacrificed to build a more just and equitable society. This month and every month, it is important to pay tribute to the achievements that have gotten us where are, recognize the women who have not always been welcomed into such movements, and consider how we might continue moving forward in a way that uplifts and empowers everyone.
We hope the resources below help to inspire and empower you! Happy Women's History Month, Brahmas!
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