This module covers academic integrity, copyright, plagiarism, and using generative AI.
Tutorial: Academic IntegrityIn this tutorial, students will learn how to apply principles of academic integrity to their daily lives, by recognizing the value of information and their own responsibilities as users of information. The tutorial contains two videos which will introduce students to the importance of approaching research as an encounter with ideas, acquiring information from a range of sources, and looking at issues from a range of perspectives in order to achieve a full understanding of their topic.
Tutorial: Information has ValueUse this tutorial to introduce students to the ACRL Frame Information Has Value. Students will become aware of their roles as information creators and consumers and learn how issues like copyright and the digital divide affect their academic and personal lives.
Tutorial: CopyrightUse this tutorial to introduce students to the purpose of copyright protections, the definition of public domain, and the concept of fair use.
Video: PlagiarismThis video provides examples and explanations of specific types of plagiarism, such as cloning, aggregation, and self-plagiarism, as well as strategies to prevent plagiarizing and a reminder of the possible consequences of academic dishonesty.
Tutorial: Digital PrivacyThis tutorial will introduce students to the idea of digital privacy and their responsibilities as information users. Students will analyze how they engage with online tools and services and consider ways to protect their personal information, plus the limits of what individuals can do to protect their privacy.
Quiz: Information EthicsThis quiz corresponds with the multimedia on academic integrity and plagiarism.
Tutorial: Introduction to Digital CitizenshipUse this tutorial to help students to consider what it means to be a digital citizen and start to examining their relationship with information in online spaces.
Tutorial: Digital Citizenship in PracticeIn this tutorial, students will examine strategies for applying digital citizenship practices to their daily lives. Students will also have the opportunity to create their own personal code ethics to help them apply responsible information habits outside of the classroom.
Quiz: Digital Citizenship in PracticeUse this quiz to assess students' understanding of the role digital citizenship plays in the classroom and their personal lives.
Tutorial: Student Guide to AIA student guide including information on how generative AI works, the issues surrounding it, how to write prompts, and how to cite Gen AI
Quiz: Student Guide to AIA quiz that examines students on their knowledge of how Gen AI works and the academic integrity issues involved with its use.