This module covers the basics of using information and presenting it to others.
Video: SynthesisThis video focuses on strategies for writing a strong paper that brings together ideas from multiple sources, including identifying main ideas, and paraphrasing and summarizing techniques.
Tutorial: Synthesizing Information for Academic WritingThis tutorial defines and explores information synthesis, including strategies for bringing together ideas and facts from multiple different sources at various stages in the research process, including background research and note taking, annotated bibliographies, and outlines. It also reviews different examples of final products of synthesis, such as literature reviews, persuasive essays, and research papers.
Video: Writing HelpUse this video to help students craft clear and effective written assignments. Students will review the value of sentence variety and the importance of proofreading their work.
Tutorial: Paraphrasing, Quoting, and SummarizingThis tutorial provides students with an overview of paraphrasing, quoting, and summarizing depending on the goal of their writing, plus how to accurately represent their sources.
Tutorial: Annotated BibliographyUse this tutorial to introduce students to the purpose and components of an annotated bibliography. Students will become familiar with the three types of annotations as well as the formatting requirements for a completed annotated bibliography.
Video: Academic WritingThis video will encourage students to think about their role as academic writers. Students will also learn about the importance of background research and considering mutliple perspectives when joining the scholarly conversation.
Tutorial: Presenting SkillsIn this tutorial, students will learn how to prepare an effective presentation. The included videos offer tips for structuring presentation content, managing body language, and setting up a virtual presentation.
Tutorial: Study SkillsThis tutorial will introduce learners to the habits of successful students. After an overview of the types of studying students might engage with during their academic career, the tutorial walks students through specific techniques related to note taking, organizing coursework, and studying in a group setting.
Video: Understanding the Communication NeedUse this video to help students analyze the purpose of communication methods. Students will be introduced to the advantages and disadvantages of each in order to choose the best type for a given situation.
Tutorial: Oral CommunicationUse this tutorial to walk students through the components of oral communication: content, audience, and the elements of speech. Students will come away with strategies for getting their point across clearly and appropriately in everyday and formal settings. Included video, "Using Your Voice," illustrates the different elements of speech such as pitch, timbre, and register that impact the way a verbal message is received by its audience.